nayef kanaan - fullstack developer
designing & building products

tech-logo Nextjs
tech-logo React
tech-logo Postgresql
tech-logo Tailwind
tech-logo Typescript
ive been desiging and building websites for three years now. working freelance, learning, and founding my own projects. also working at techgenies as a frontend dev in the infrastructure department as well as born interactive as a frontend interntoday - my main focus is working more on open source, learning more, writing, and building products for the community such as prbly

(recent) projects


founded, designed, and developed prbly.


landing page built with framer-motion, gsap & nextjs

prbly (beta)

first version of prbly designed & developed

disruptor ventures

landing page built with gsap, threejs, js

orsus (wip)

nextjs, tailwind & kinde admin template

(more) projects

readme generator

cli-based nodejs readme file generator

bookworm haven

a platform where you can discuss, review, and search for novels

prbly alpha

first design & dev of

mirathi v1

first design and dev of

trail finder

search for hiking trails within a selected radius relevant to your location

employee manager sys

a terminal based CMS app which runs using mainly Inquirer and SQL